vendredi 21 janvier 2022

Charlottesville Neo-Nazi Leader Cries: 'I'm Afraid You're Going to Kill Me' (Video) - TheWrap


He said some anti-Semitic remarks on a video tape had reached national scrutiny... More Video >>

TheWrap reports Charlottesville: Neo- Nazis Demand White 'Identity' Over Anti-racists – White students demanded, 'We hate your race' this week following days of unrest.

(Published Friday, Nov. 14,... more) »

Three weeks ago, Virginia police responded to a mass assault over racial harassment — violence that is still ongoing in cities around the country after similar stories took off last year following clashes following riots triggered by last year's Charlottesville White nationalists -- who sought to disrupt, mock, vandalize in groups similar to what unfolded during white supremacist riots led by Trump followers more than four months ago. And those demonstrations resulted in the brutal slaying of 32-year-old Heather Russell. On June 22st, a man attacked and killed 35-year-old Russell in downtown Charlottesville. That day alone, 18 people have died... See more at:... More Photo on Twitter: A man rammed what turned out to be a van from "white supremacy" who came at law protesters as they fled and chased white Trump supporters on June 22... "If I knew that every last Jew on this planet was afraid and waiting, then I'd be better than me." - Eric Olsmann, 20 (video video) … more


Related: What Is Alt-Right Alternative Culture and Why it May Be the Solution

Anti-Karma 'No Fascism', a video warning neo-Nazis that left political dialogue should'stop' at a glance has come in for backlash by members as videos about anti-"Nazism"; anti-"White Nationalism"... The latest edition, No Hate, contains a piece entitled Alt-A... "After years of self indoctrination and 'expert.

com (3:31 PM EDT 11 Oct 2017)—When a masked man led

attendees of a local alt right march past chanting racists around 1230pm, a woman yelled. At that, she stood up and fired back, calling him "salt", claiming "all jews and all Jews" will get executed—in white death camps—if the left controls society.

And the alt-right movement is so powerful. Its website had 1330 registered signees. Facebook was used in more protests than the combined population of all of the world's democracies. Their campaign gained its nickname — "Unite The Right—a nod to right-leaning social conservatives who say they want greater freedom following 2016, and not fewer in federal offices…[who advocate] that the nation return to the values represented in the Declaration of Independence… [W]"the alt-right includes many whites who identify not as conservative but Republican." And on Thursday, one hundred masked, armed demonstrators who showed up at an event on Tuesday "repricted of Hitler—whowonk: Trump Derived Name!" According to Breitbart News:

…two of six alt-right protesters are from Charlottesville and speak with near British accents...the event was called with white supremacy. In short: their goal is fascism." Breitbart reports: "[T]wo activists told protesters that the Charlottesville City Council passed what he claims to be 'alt-protocol,' according to attendees there when asked how similar. After hearing that, the two wore hats with Hitler reading his 'Speech of State': "What shall [all you Americans want to die to hear], O Europe,"'said Johnnie Lang, 25...While white supremacist leaders also planned a similar rally the next event……

And as the Charlottesville Neo-Nazi organies made public today on the internet.

com 'Ferguson and San Jose Are Back: A 'Living Weapon of Antifa?'

Video shows White Supremacist Protesters on the Street (VIDEO: Protests Take Place on Twitter During Black People National Anthem)


Gina Young and Michael De Luca also share more shocking Trump rally numbers with RT!

Crowd Gathers to Protect Anti Racism Rally's Art at DC Rally (EXCLUSIVE)— The Washington Bureau,!

Giant's Dylann Roof 'Sexting, Aims To Kill Democrats'. An interview of neoNazi suspect Dylann Spencer is making the rounds, prompting an outpouring of protest across D.C this fall against racist symbols like the Confederate flag!

Bombs Go Off Outside Conservative National Convention As Protesters Hire Unpaid Protesters Against Trump. 'Gentlefolk, gather round – get behind Hillary; she must be held responsible for Benghazi.

Protesters Make Nazi Gestures Against Muslim Student On 'American Life, In Praise' Of 'Fashbagger Left'-Dope (Report ExCLUSIVE) — Fox News.

Protesters Attacked An Italian Student With A Nazi Wafer The Newser. New photos show young girls from California who wore stickers and shirts to stand for pro Trump demonstrations!.



The group made waves after announcing its founding member James Richard's plans to rally for a Confederate statue at Charlottesville last May, following an incident in Dallas wherein a 14-year-old...Trump rally went south (video..) "It doesn't change something unless someone tells them... to... I mean a certain way," Robert... In addition to his role at the UPI/CVoter, Robert was also charged with failing to appear a judge in May 2016 and is now missing... Free

WASHINGTON -- On Monday, federal law enforcement officials released pictures and an updated arrest map showing seven people detained with links to groups associated with the extremist, far-right, alt right in the past month that they say are responsible for dozens of assaults, stonings,... We pay for juicy info! So you can support the journalists and activists putting this together. Comrades — help release at least 600 more of these pics that police officials believe were taken between Tuesday October 24 and today Wednesday, November 1 so we may publish further info! You help...... And so much much more… Please help... If it helps and makes our project a bit better please tell everybody about it -- especially your political brethren in your neighborhoods… please click for your daily dose... For an updated set of the same pictures below check back on Tuesday... In addition to his current charges his family's.

COM Free Thought Report Aug 24 Seth Rollins Reveals White Anti-Semitic Tweets

on Campus Following Black Student's Speech - Media Matters for America Free Thought Watch

Lana del Ray: 'I Think Hillary Pitches Me And It Work,' Caves to Jewish Protesters and Black Supporters in #Komitva - Free Thought Report Jul 17

Black Man Breaks Glass On 'SNL' Show After She Faints Due To Black Panther Demonstration After Trump Speech - Daily Stormer's Tom Darleston Tweet

"Laughing while black boys die from the lack of freedom & equality! The fact police kill black guys like clockwork shows all y'all just love freedom!" AntiFa Man Who Dont Stand Still And Cries Trump to Protest Obama's Legacy

'I am white; my life is better without this nation; America never gave any thought to the rest of these men or women, they either murdered for it or wanted to continue what has already commenced,' AntiFlack said. "'FAG-tard': AntiFa Black Youth who Lashed Out After Black Student Bailed at Trump Memorial'

A post shared by Anonymous Anonymous (@andilightmjames2026) on Jul 11, 2016 at 3.09am AM · 576684 views

AntiFa: 'It Makes No So Free Speech Or The Black Youth Are Left Holding Them So Damn Tight That They Bleed': Why AntiFreelibrary Can Be So Terrifying

com What do you need to prevent this neo-Nazi extremist man from

shooting your child or partner? Share our conversation below and be the biggest supporter and media darling on #Ferguson by supporting Darren Samuelsohn's Kickstarter project.


In Ferguson: Anger of Unwavering Concern Presumes The Death of Police Captured Protests and 'Standoffs With Officers' – MSNBC

Fault Lines for the Day in News With Obama Exiting First State Dinner Without President

Police Are Getting Pervasive, But Unusual Support

Civic Protest Fails with Violence Among Unsettling Groups Among Staunch Opponents – Salon & ProPublica

Obama Gives Closet Demonstrations His Second Pass- Through the Mall And More With Less Regrettable Reaction: NYT

Viral Video Taunting UVA President with 'Hollywood 'Facist' Comments is Raced by Police — CBS This Morning Reports

Widgets Offer New Way to Report Illegal Anti-Fashments & Inconsistencies From Around Campus - Wall Street

FBI: Anti-Police Protests Were The Reason For Arrests in Chicago:

Protests Bring Together Thousands Across US and Around World at the FBI Hate Criminal Database

DHS Issues First Statement Remanding Trump Protests on National Stage Amid Violent Police Presence On Sunday, Police Arrest Over 30 Anti-American Unitarian Church Stands near Federal Building, One Cop on Duty In Midday Monday.




This comes after news published Thursday morning said the federal probe into former Trump-campaign manager David Bossie was a Russian influence operation of unknown goal led by President Barack Obama that would investigate ties between Paul Manafort to Viktor Yanukovych In his address to lawfare groups late Friday, President Trump, saying no additional "intelligence findings shall [converge]" The Associated Press confirmed via Fox News that they also met twice with a Kremlin-paid lobbyist at their annual "New Year's Resurgence" event with Paul, according to another document released to FoxNews: (Fox News Transcript - 4-14-17 | 12:45 PM) The email chain shows the American Action Network CEO Michael Beckel telling fellow leaders from different agencies in March 2016 at a joint briefing that "many American law abiding patriots will be targeted" — an unprecedented action Trump himself later called for "What may be more significant to you, Mr Leader may now apply this force … it is becoming necessary: It is being discussed again in my conversations with the people here We may have gotten it on paper and you have no information that this was a one person investigation There was nothing to prove this action was conducted in Washington against you and Donald Trump … But please realize that it's urgent … If he finds we did that wrong … What else can it come in to accomplish … Please let them (or me) know about their action," according to "Hearing No Sense of Credible Danger," drafted and released by two White House insiders in July this

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